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Browser based developer hand-off

Completed Florin Ursu 4 years ago

Hello there,

I've worked with Justinmind for years now and I've tried to push it into my workflow at every job I had in the last 5 years.

The trickiest issue I have each and every time is handling the developer's rights. Imagine working with various vendors and convincing each one of them to:

  • get a developer's email address (when the flow is controlled by a PM)
  • convince them of installing yet another app. Even more, they mostly have to open an IT ticket for installation because most of them don't have admin rights. it takes the dev almost 2 days to get the work-around
  • teaching them how to use it
  • etc.

A link to a browser interface that I can set as public/private should suffice. Nothing more (Look at XD and InVision Studio for example).

I can't describe the times I had to go back to Sketch or Figma and redo the design just because their hand-off process is online.

I'm writing this somehow out of frustration because Jim is just the best prototyping tool on the market. I don't have a lot of products/brands I'm so crazy about but:

  • importing files from Sketch and XD (I won't talk about Figma) is full of errors or time-consuming in recreating the elements
  • the conditions are not well documented. I'm a designer, my logic and math are not strong and I feel I'm missing out a lot by not having elementary info (like a short description on what you can do with it)
  • UI elements issues that are constantly unresolved.
  • Webinars and training videos that are way old. It always puts me in a strange mood watching them.

Pardon my passion, I love Justinmind, but I never managed to impose it as my weapon of choice in my workplace. It was always around: "it's a great tool, but hard to integrate" or "we need a prototyper like this but it's way too much work to get files from Sketch to Jim"

Something's missing. It's a shame because the CS team (Danielle & Sonia) is the best of the best and it is also clear that there's a talented dev team behind the product.

Replies (2)

Thank you so much for your feedback! This is really helpful - we'll send this to our team and work on making the Developer hand-off more seamless.

We do currently have the option to create a public link that you could send to your Developers if you'd like, though it will lack some of the features of the Developer version (CSS, asset downloads, and Smart Guides to show exact margins).


Really the truth! This is the main reason why I'm evaluating other software (more than one to built a complete workflow) for prototyping and sharing specification, instead of going without doubts with Justinmind! This features should be great, because of Justinmid already provides to all the steps of a correct UX and UI workflow, with the possibility to choose if you need to work in low, middle or high fidelity, then comments are good, scenarios are also good, the public links for reviewers are great....missing only public links or a sort of web-based interface for developers.


I'm happy to inform you that we'll be transitioning our developer interface from the Justinmind application onto the web browser in a future update! Soon, a developer will be able to view the CSS, assets, and Smart Guides within a browser without needing to download Justinmind.

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